Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Making Everyday Count

76 days, 1 hour, 40 mins, and 09 seconds until I can start my mission papers.  (But who's counting, right?)  It feels like I have waited FOREVER and I am so close!  I cannot wait until I can serve the Lord on a mission and do His work, just a few more months!  I will miss so many things at home and I have learned that I need to make everyday count.  Recently, I have tried to live more in the moment and really focus on things that matter most in life.  I have so many fun things I want to do before I leave, this is my list!

Pre-Mission Activities
-Build a fort and sleep in it
-Continue 'the Breakfast Club' with Mom every Saturday
-Go to the Temple more often
-Go on a spontaneous trip
-Go to the cabin
-Do something courageous 
-Read the Book of Mormon
-Fall in Love
-Finish studying Preach My Gospel
-Family photo shoot
-Write my name on the wall at The Pie
-Cut my hair (?) -yikes!
-Road trip
-PRAY everyday
-More time with family
-Take more mental pictures
-Watch all my favorite movies 
-Tell someone you love them, and have them say it back
-Go on fun dates
-Go to the Philippines
-Plan farewell

To start my list off right, I went skiing for the first time Thursday!  McKinley, Ashley, Kadi, and Mika took me up to Park City for a great time.  It was super stormy and windy the day we went up and we were on our last run of the day and I lost control and zipped right past McKinley going probably 60 mph down the mountain.  (McKinley thinks otherwise but she didn't have enough time to pull out her speedometer, so we will just stick with 60.)  It was terrifying and I was screaming and flailing my arms thinking I was about to die.  (Haha, I'm serious. Death was probably a 99.9% chance at this point in time)  
Anyway, after saying a fast prayer, the mountain went flat and I was able to 'pizza' my skis like crazy and FINALLY came to a stop.  The experience was so exhausting I just fell to the ground.  A few seconds later McKinley came up to me and said that she thought I was going to die or break my back!  After we made sure that I was still breathing, we started laughing uncontrollably.  
McKinley thought the situation was so hilarious she decided to laugh the whole way down the mountain and even to the car.  I told her that I was so scared I peed my pants.  She just laughed even harder at me, and I said, "No, really.  Can we go home now?" 
Yup. I legitimately peed myself.  I can laugh at myself now, but it honestly was traumatizing. 
 I was so thankful that I lived through the scariest thing that ever happened to me... and got a good story out of it. :)

Me, McKinley and Ashley on the chairlift.

On top of the world!

Sooo happy. :)

DG salute

 What I thought skiing would be like... (Left) What it really was like. (Right)